An insightful glance into a life of one of those ordinary Canadians every one alludes to. A little, Canada, a little of the world and alot of sports in one little blog designed specifically to get some of my stress out into the open.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

We have an election next month here in the nations capital. For a change we actually have an interesting run for the Mayor's chair. I think its the first real race in like 9 years. Bob C is on the verge of becoming yesterday's man, as he sits third in the polls behind Alex Munter and Larry O Brien.

Charielli's act has worn thin on the city faithful. He's taken credit for just about everything that has happened here in the last 10 years. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact that a horrible second candidate got 25 percent of the vote last time for doing nothing should have wrung the bell in big bad Bob's beano, but alas he's a Martinite type liberal, that believes those living on his coat-tails.

O brien probably has possibilities, but can't seem to grasp that running a government is a whole lot different than a corporation. I wish he had 3 years watching how city hall works, or in the case of this city doesn't work. He'd be an actual choice.

Which leaves us with Mr. Munter. Munter has excelled at everything he's ever done. Started a newspaper at 16, regional councillor in his 20's that made sure Kanata got its share. He's still fresh and full of vision. He'll make a great mayor. My friends say he's a ndper, who the hell cares, he's also the best one for the job. Actually by a margin comparable to the average sens leafs final score.

Friday, October 20, 2006

New resolution,

Im going to start writing more, apparently some people read these things and then try to fix things. Lets all hope shall we.

Peter McKay, we've all been dumped man, we know how much it sucks especially when the ex is hot, blonde and rich. We all get that, but listen, calling her a dog on the floor of the house of commons...sorry can't do that. You can tell those jokes to the buddies in caucus and all that stuff but when your Foreign Affairs Minister you cant diss your ex on the record.

It's bush league. A fitting part of a bush league week for Harper and the gang. They really could have used Garth Turner to their advantage, but instead they herded him out into the street and perhaps to the Green Party, who have some real solid policies on the economic side and Turner aboard would just validate them more. They have also almost caught the bloc in voter support now.

Then there was the joke of an environmental announcement. What the heck was that? Rona Ambrose, bless her heart I like her, couldn't hold up in the interviews because really there was no substance there for her to work with. Steve you've got to let your little cabinet ministers try, you might be surprised that some of them are good, and others like Gordon O Connor really need your help.