On the other hand.
I'm actually warming up to Stephen Harper. I dont like the way he spells his first name still, but the rest of the stuff is pretty good so far. Let's see he's done pretty much what he said he would do if you leave out the Emerson fiasco.
The good stuff though comes with the fight with the Ottawa parliamentary media, or lazy stiffs that really don't want to work for a story as i call them. Harper's job is to run the country not to be at the beckoned call of the media or make it easy for them to cover what is going on in the world. Most of us work for our money, now the media on the hill have to do the same. is that a bad thing.
I love the fact he's a dad first and prime minister second. If he wants to shake his son's hand instead of a kiss its probably because of all the people and kids around, i'll bet the youngster gets good hugs and noogies from dad at home. How many pm's bring their kids to a hockey game, whats more canadian than that. I know the glimmer in the eyes he talks about when he watches his son play hockey, its the same one i have when my daughter plays basketball.
Then there's the fact he hasnt done anything scary or silly in the time he's been in power.
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