An insightful glance into a life of one of those ordinary Canadians every one alludes to. A little, Canada, a little of the world and alot of sports in one little blog designed specifically to get some of my stress out into the open.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Dalton you are an embarassment

Let me be clear I didn't vote for Dalton McGuinty as premier of Ontario. Time has shown one thing since he was elected. I was right.

Ontario is not and will not be a have not province. Yet, by the wining and complaining coming out of the premier's mouth you'd think we were a territory. Geesh. You see Dalton, when we got into this thing called confederation, the forefathers knew that some areas would do better than others and used that as the basis for forming a country in the first place, you dolt.

As time went on, thanks to things like an auto pact, Ontario became the economic engine of Canada. Most premier's of Ontario got that fact and some like David Peterson showed leadership at the federal level in realizing that yes not every tax dollar coming from Ontario goes back to Ontario, just as every tax dollar from California that goes to Washington doesnt make it back to California.

It's about pooling risks and doing what is best for the country as a whole. Guess what, Dalton, what's best for Canada is good for Ontario. Some day if you stay in power, Alberta will be footing our bills for us. But hey, why act like a leader and statesman when you can be a wienie instead.


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