An insightful glance into a life of one of those ordinary Canadians every one alludes to. A little, Canada, a little of the world and alot of sports in one little blog designed specifically to get some of my stress out into the open.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Auditor zero

Im getting really tired of people referring to Auditor General of Canada as a hero. A zero maybe but not a hero. The idea of an auditor general is sound, some independent person examining the books to make sure our tax dollars are spent the way they were meant to be.

Sounds simple, and even admirable. It used to be before Sheila Fraser decided she needed to attain superstar status. Now, the auditor general's office has become a fine tuned media machine ready to pounce on anyone in their wake.

You see sometimes, you need to check the other side of the story before you release both guns on some poor unsuspecting former football player who everyone agrees doesnt have a dishonest bone in his body. Ronnie Stewart doesnt even have access to these files that paint such a large case against him. The poor guy's reputation in his hometown is shattered at the least, and at the most he'll spend his later years behind bars as he loses the pr battle to the auditor general's giant machine.

Im for good use of taxpayers funds, im also for fairness, and oh yeah that other principle of a democracy innocent until proven guilty.


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