An insightful glance into a life of one of those ordinary Canadians every one alludes to. A little, Canada, a little of the world and alot of sports in one little blog designed specifically to get some of my stress out into the open.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hello, world

Steve from Ottawa, former radio guy, feeling the need to express his own opinions, instead of sitting back and getting mad at the so called experts. By experts, i mean mostly traditional journalists, who feel the need to get involved in things they should be reporting somewhere close to the middle about.

Today, i went through my morning media browse and was struck by one thing as we get closer to this election thing here in Canada, the lack of loyalty. Im one of the few Canadians that always admired Shiela Copps for instance, i was always struck about her passion for the country. Now the decisions she made might be questioned, but i always thought her heart was in the right place. Now, i understand that the Pm's advisors have basically ruined her career and all that stuff, but she always talked about how important the party was and all that good stuff. Now, when that party needs her the most, she's using the opportunity to exact revenge.

Same with Kinsella, it was okay for him to step on martin's people's toes when he was helping chretien but when the tables are turned it's not. I'm leaving and every chance i get to punch you in the mouth i will, is basically what he's saying to the party that made him famous.

The biggest problem for the Liberals right now might actually be the lack of loyalty combined with the fact that it's not what's best for Canada it's what's best for them personally.


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