I love junior hockey. The London Knights were my heroes as a kid, Darryl Sittler was my idol. I still like the Knights and players like Rob Schempf even though i can't seem to spell his name right today for some reason.
Rob and his Team USA teammates are little surprised that fans out in Vancouver have been booing them especially against russia at the world juniors this week. I think it's time for a little history lesson about relations with our best friend right now. You know how every once in awhile you feel like even your best friend takes you for granted and then does some things to peeve you off. That in a nutshell is why Canada is booing.
In BC, thousands of dollars, and man hours of work have been lost over the softwood lumber dispute, that keeps going to indepedent atributrators who keep saying Canada doesn't subsidize its lumber. The US keeps disagreeing and the losers are little towns across BC in particular because they have to pay staggering duties to ship the softwood across the border even though its badly needed because of all the hurricane damage.
Then there's the little issue of having the US team's best defenseman try to take the head off of Canada's Steve Downie, who by the way the rest of the ohl likes to boo whenever it has the chance. If that elbow had of connected the way it was meant, there would be another bertuzzi case.
Which brings us to round 3. Vancouver hockey fans feel Todd Betuzzi has gotten a raw deal from us media in particular. You pile these things together and there is some ill will towards robbie and his teammates in those red, white and blue uniforms. Other than that defenseman, its not personal guys, we're just in a little snit about the way we are being treated right now and like best friends do, we will work it out. When push comes to shove on the important things like saving hostages in Iran, or letting planes land on 9-11 your best friend will continue to be there for you.
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