An insightful glance into a life of one of those ordinary Canadians every one alludes to. A little, Canada, a little of the world and alot of sports in one little blog designed specifically to get some of my stress out into the open.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Some Sens fans

Why does one loss turn many sens fans in raving lunatics? The sky is falling, the sky is falling, run for your lives. The team is playing the defending Stanley Cup champions. Did you think Ottawa was going to win this series in four straight especially without the number one goalie and now the number one defenseman. By way, my sympathy to the Redden family.

Tampa Bay wanted it more last night especially in the second half of the game, and probably deserved the victory. Now, a few hints for sens fans who have their finger so close to the panic button it's almost surgically attached.

1. It takes four victories to win a series
2. Your team is good
3. Booing them on a power play really doesn't help anyone or anything
4. cheering them might help more

I do have some tidbits of advice for coach Murray however,

1. Get them to target St. Louis and Boyle, they are the heart of the Lightning.
2. Don't be afraid to go with five forwards on the powerplay as long as Redden is out. (London Knights are doing this with great success and it cuts down minutes on an undermanned blueline)

I could go on, but one final shot...sens fans dont worry be happy

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

On the other hand.

I'm actually warming up to Stephen Harper. I dont like the way he spells his first name still, but the rest of the stuff is pretty good so far. Let's see he's done pretty much what he said he would do if you leave out the Emerson fiasco.

The good stuff though comes with the fight with the Ottawa parliamentary media, or lazy stiffs that really don't want to work for a story as i call them. Harper's job is to run the country not to be at the beckoned call of the media or make it easy for them to cover what is going on in the world. Most of us work for our money, now the media on the hill have to do the same. is that a bad thing.

I love the fact he's a dad first and prime minister second. If he wants to shake his son's hand instead of a kiss its probably because of all the people and kids around, i'll bet the youngster gets good hugs and noogies from dad at home. How many pm's bring their kids to a hockey game, whats more canadian than that. I know the glimmer in the eyes he talks about when he watches his son play hockey, its the same one i have when my daughter plays basketball.

Then there's the fact he hasnt done anything scary or silly in the time he's been in power.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Dalton you are an embarassment

Let me be clear I didn't vote for Dalton McGuinty as premier of Ontario. Time has shown one thing since he was elected. I was right.

Ontario is not and will not be a have not province. Yet, by the wining and complaining coming out of the premier's mouth you'd think we were a territory. Geesh. You see Dalton, when we got into this thing called confederation, the forefathers knew that some areas would do better than others and used that as the basis for forming a country in the first place, you dolt.

As time went on, thanks to things like an auto pact, Ontario became the economic engine of Canada. Most premier's of Ontario got that fact and some like David Peterson showed leadership at the federal level in realizing that yes not every tax dollar coming from Ontario goes back to Ontario, just as every tax dollar from California that goes to Washington doesnt make it back to California.

It's about pooling risks and doing what is best for the country as a whole. Guess what, Dalton, what's best for Canada is good for Ontario. Some day if you stay in power, Alberta will be footing our bills for us. But hey, why act like a leader and statesman when you can be a wienie instead.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Atlanta Thrashers Fans

Don't let the truth get in the way of a good arguement right. Dear Thrashers Fans: Ottawa Senators fans didn't say they won't boo opposing players, ask Alexei Yashin. What we did say when you booed Dany Heatley on his first visit back to your city, nice airport by the way, is that we never would have booed Marion Hossa like that.

You see Heatley did everything the right way, he talked to the gm, told him he wanted a new start and didnt go complaining in the media about anything. Hossa, wanted too much money, so we flipped him for Heatley, even he is still regarded by most Sens fans as the best player to ever put on a Ottawa sweater. We even cheered Monday night when he scored against us.

Now this flake Kovalchuk is a different story. He did have a little battle with Chris Neil prior to the faceoff and yes Neil gave him a little shot, and number 17 gave him one back then hauled off and gave him a two handed slash right across the wrist. That's why he got booed folks. You see there is an unwritten code about use of your stick that Bob Hartley your coach seems to let your guys forget about.

One day old IIya is going to get his, it won't be pretty and you folks will be wining your heads off about your so-called superstar. He'll be booed with each visit to our fair city just as he is in Pittsburgh. Maybe Sidney was onto something.